Variables Release Notes

Release notes are displayed in descending order from the most recent release to the oldest. Known Issues are listed with the most recent release.

See TIBCO Scribe® Online Connector For Variables for more information.

Note: To access any changes to metadata support, such as new operations, entities, or fields, reset metadata for the Connection. See Resetting Metadata.

Version 2.1.1

Released June 22, 2020.

New And Noteworthy

Use the Variables Connector to store and retrieve variables as key/value pairs within the execution of a flow. The stored value is retrievable at any point in the flow, regardless of the scope in which it was set. Variables are useful for concatenating strings, finding Min or Max values of numbers or dates, and setting a calculated variable for values that are used throughout the flow execution.

This Connector supports the following Variable Data Types: 

Closed Issues

There are no Closed Issues in this release.

Known Issues


Summary: When setting a variable, the Connector allows you to store any type of data in that variable regardless of the data type selected, and does not generate an error.

Workaround: None.

Related Topics

Release Notes And Known Issues