Exporting The Execution Error List

Use the Export All Errors Gear menu option on the Solution page under Execution History or directly on the Execution History page to create a CSV file of any errors generated when a Solution is run. You can also export errors from the Execution History Details page using the Export Errors Link at the top of the page. See Viewing Execution History Details.

View Execution History Window

  1. Select Solutions from the menu.
  2. On the Solutions page, select a Solution that indicates there are errors in the Status column.
  3. From the Gear menu for that Solution select Execution History.
  4. On the Execution History page, set the Status and Date Range filters to reduce the number of records.
  5. Select Apply to apply the filters.
  6. Select the Export All Errors option from the Gear menu for a single record that contains errors. This may take some time depending on the number of records.

    Note: The spinning time indicator only displays for five minutes. Large numbers of records may require more time to export. Do not navigate away from the page or the export file will not be downloaded.

  7. When export is complete, the CSV file is saved to the default Downloads location for your browser. The CSV file name is a combination of the name of the Solution and the internal ID of the specific execution that was exported, such as, GP Customers to SF Contacts56089386667738790.csv.

The Export File Contains The Following:

Sample CSV File

In the example shown in the image above, the error is generated because the LOCEMP field in the text source is mapped to a field in the target that has a data type of Integer, but the field contains letters. Therefore, these records cannot be written to the target.

Related Topics

Viewing Execution History

Managing Failed IS, Event, Or MS Execution History Records

Viewing Execution Statistics