Provisioning A TIBCO Scribe® Online Cloud Agent

The TIBCO Scribe® Online Cloud Agent facilitates communication between cloud-based data sources used by a Solution. It provides secure communications to TIBCO Scribe® Online without requiring an on-premise presence.

A TIBCO Scribe® Online Agent is required to communicate with both your source and target data, and with TIBCO Scribe® Online in the cloud. Depending on your data, your Organization can have one or more On-Premise Agents and one Cloud Agent at the same time.

Determining which Agent type to select varies depending on the TIBCO Scribe® Online Connector being used and the location of the data being accessed, either on-premise or in the cloud.

Refer to the documentation for the specific Connector for additional information. See Managing Connections for a list of TIBCO Scribe® Online Connectors.

Provision A TIBCO Scribe® Online Cloud Agent

Note: Cloud Agents are provisioned in the data center associated with the Organization selected in the banner. See TIBCO Scribe® Online Data Centers.

Note: If scheduled maintenance is in progress and the software being deployed involves changes to the Agent, Agent installations are temporarily disabled and a message similar to the following is displayed: 

Agent installs are disabled temporarily. Check the TIBCO Cloud Services status page for more information.

  1. Navigate to the Agents Dashboard Widget, select Add, and choose Cloud Agent.

    Note: You can only install one Cloud Agent per Organization.

  2. When the process is complete, the new Cloud Agent is displayed in the Agents Widget.

    After an Agent is installed or provisioned, its status displays in the Agents page, the Agents Dashboard widget, and the Agent drop-down list in Solutions and Connections. Agents that are ready to use display a green checkmark ().

You can now add Connections and configure your TIBCO Scribe® Online Solution. For more information, see Adding Or Editing An Integration Solution , Adding Or Editing A Replication Solution, or Adding Or Editing A Migration Solution.

Note: You cannot rename a Cloud Agent.

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TIBCO Scribe® Online Agents

Updating An Agent

Whitelisting Requirements