Time Integration Process Settings

Time Integration Process (IP) settings specify if the IP runs once, at a specific time, or periodically.

Specify time IP settings

  1. In Frequency, specify when you want the IP to run. Select one of:
  2. In Starting, specify when you want the job to run. Make sure you schedule the job based on the actual time on the computer running the Insight Server.

    Note: Server time and the difference between your computer time and the server time are displayed below the date and time fields. If you are scheduling a job from a Console on a remote computer and there is a time difference with the server, see Ensure Identical Date Formats, below, to set the date format and system locale.

  3. Select Run if Past Due at Startup to run any jobs that are overdue on system startup.

Ensure identical date formats

Before running a collaboration that uses time-based process events, you must make sure that all of the regional settings in Windows on both your computer and on the Insight Server use identical date formats.

Note: For time-based query IPs, you must use identical date formats. While the regional settings can be different, the date format must be identical between Insight and the Insight Server.

If you do not have administrative privileges, you may not have access to the Region and Language Administrative tab. Ask your system administrator to make the necessary changes.

To set the regional date format and system locale:  

  1. In the Windows Control Panel, double-click Region and Language. The Region and Language dialog box appears.
  2. On the Formats tab, select your region from the Format drop-down list. Note the region you selected.
  3. Click the Administrative tab and click Change system locale. The Region and Language Settings dialog box appears.
  4. Select the same region on the Current system locale drop-down list that you specified on the Formats tab, and select OK.
  5. Click OK to close the Region and Language dialog box.
  6. Restart your computer for the settings to take effect.

See Also

File Event Property Settings

Creating Integration Processes

Query Integration process Settings

Queue Integration Process Settings

Using The Archive.exe Utility

Using The Console