Cvent HData Connector For TIBCO Scribe® Online

Use the Cvent HData Connector for TIBCO Scribe® Online to create and schedule events such as Webinars.

Connector Specifications

This Connector supports version V20061 of the Cvent API.


Agent Types

On Premise X
Cloud X

Replication Services


Integration Services

Source X
Target X

Migration Services



Integration X
Request-Reply X
Message X

Note: This Connector is available from the TIBCO Scribe® Online Marketplace. See Marketplace TIBCO Scribe® Certified Connectors for more information.

Supported Entities

The Connector for Cvent HData supports the following entities. Select a linked entity name for additional information when using that entity in TIBCO Scribe® Online. For a list of additional operations by entity see Special Operations.

Standard Operations

Entity Query Create Update Delete Upsert













































































Special Operations

Entity Operations










Setup Considerations

The Cvent HData Connector requires that you have a Cvent account.


To use Cvent webhooks to send messages to TIBCO Scribe® Online based on actions in Cvent:

See Notes On Webhooks below for more information.

API Usage Limits

Connections to the Cvent API are limited to one hour sessions.

Selecting An Agent Type For Cvent HData

Refer to TIBCO Scribe® Online Agents for information on available Agent types and how to select the best Agent for your Solution.

Connecting To Cvent HData

Note: Best practice is to create Connections with credentials that limit permissions in the target system, following the principle of least privilege. Using Administrator level credentials in a Connection provides Administrator level access to the target system for TIBCO Scribe® Online users. Depending on the entities supported, a TIBCO Scribe® Online user could alter user accounts in the target system.

  1. From the Connections page, click New to open the Manage Connections: Create dialog box.
  2. Select Connector Name as the Type and then enter:
    • Name — This can be any meaningful name, up to 25 characters.
    • Alias — An alias for this Connection name. The alias is generated from the Connection name, and can be up to 25 characters. The Connection alias can include letters, numbers, and underscores. Spaces and special characters are not accepted. You can change the alias. For more information, see Connection Alias.
    • API URL — Web address used to connect to the Cvent API. Default connection URLs include: 
      • Production —
      • Sandbox —
    • Account Number — Account number used to log into Cvent.
    • API User — User name used to log into the Cvent account.
    • API Password — Password used to log into the Cvent account.
  3. Select Test to ensure that the Agent can connect to your database. Be sure to test the Connection against all Agents that use this Connection. See Testing Connections.
  4. Select OK/Save to save the Connection.

Metadata Notes


Connection metadata must have unique entity, relationship, and field names. If your Connection metadata has duplicate names, review the source system to determine if the duplicates can be renamed.

Data Fields And Entity Types

Consider the following for Cvent data fields and entity types.

Custom Fields

Cvent uses custom data types for its Custom fields. TIBCO Scribe® Online converts Cvent custom data types as follows: 

Cvent Custom Data Type

TIBCO Scribe® Online Data Type

Open Ended Text - Date/Time


Open Ended Text - One Line - General

String — Max length 300

Open Ended Text - One Line - Number


Open Ended Text - One Line - Currency


Open Ended Text - One Line - Decimal


Open Ended Text - One Line - US Phone Number


Open Ended Text - One Line - Email Address


Open Ended Text - Comment Box

String — Max length 4000

Choice - Single Answer


Custom picklist field — Picklist values display in the Description field accessed using the Info icon on the Block Properties Fields tab in TIBCO Scribe® Online.

Choice - Multiple Answer


Custom picklist field — Picklist values display in the Description field accessed using the Info icon on the Block Properties Fields tab in TIBCO Scribe® Online.



Cvent HData Connector As IS Source

Consider the following when using the Cvent HData Connector as an Integration Solution source.


Net Change

In TIBCO Scribe® Online, the Most Recent Record Processed date in the Query Block Properties Net Change tab is used as filter to return only new and updated records. Each time the Map is executed, the Most Recent Record Processed date is updated when at least one record is successfully processed by a target operation. For Cvent, typically the virtual field, ScribeLastModifiedDate, is used for Net Change.

In some cases, when a Map executes, there are many records returned by the Query, but none of the records matches the criteria for the subsequent target operations and no records are processed. If the Most Recent Records Processed date is not moved forward, as time goes by, the pool of records returned by the Query increases each time the Map executes until at least one record is processed successfully by a target operation. In an organization with many Events, the number of records that match the Query filters could eventually exceed the capacity of 10,000 records set by the Cvent API.

To prevent exceeding the 10,000 record limit, use the Advance Block and the NetChange virtual entity to trigger an update to the Most Recent Record Processed date in the Query Block Properties Net Change tab. See NetChange in the Notes On Standard Entities section of the Help for additional information.


Note: For this Connector, only one level of relationship, Parent/Child, is supported for the entity selected in the Query or Fetch Block. For records with multiple levels of relationships, such as Parent, Child, Grandchild, only the selected Parent entity and related Child entities can be retrieved. Additional levels beneath Child entities, such as Grandchildren, cannot be accessed for this Connector using the Include tab. See Block Properties Include Tab — Relational Data.


When a datetime is configured on the Query Block on the Block Properties Net Change Tab to query for new and updated records, that configuration is treated as an additional filter. The Net Change datetime filter is applied as an AND after any other filters specified on the Block Properties Filter Tab. TIBCO Scribe® Online builds a query combining both the Net Change filter and the filters on the Filter tab. See Net Change And Filters for an example.

Some Connectors for TIBCO Scribe® Online only support one filter. For those Connectors you can use either Net Change or one filter on the Filter tab, not both.

Note: The Net Change date is ignored when previewing data on the Preview tab. Filters on the Block Properties Filters tab are used to filter the data on the Preview tab.

Initial Synchronization

The Cvent API limits the number of records that can be returned by a Query. If you need to retrieve all records for a particular entity and there are more than 10,000 records, you may need to break the job up into several Solution executions. Use the ScribeLastDateModified field as both a starting and ending date to return a smaller set of records for a specific window in time. Records are not returned in ascending order. For example, assume that you need to retrieve 30,000 records. To retrieve them all you would do the following:

  1. Select the entity in the Query Block.
  2. On the Query Block Net Change Tab, enable the Process Only records created or updated option.
  3. In the drop-down select, ScribeLastModifiedDate.

  4. On the Filter tab, add a Filter for ScribeLastModifiedDate is less than or equal to the end date of the batch of records you want to retrieve.

  5. Run the Solution. When the Solution completes successfully, TIBCO Scribe® uses the date in the filter to update the date on the Net Change tab to be used as the starting point for the next execution.
  6. Modify the ScribeLastModifiedDate value on the Filter tab to provide a new end date.
  7. Run the Solution again.
  8. If you think that you have not retrieved all of the records, repeat the process until you have all of your records.
  9. Then, modify the query to only retrieve new records by removing the filter for ScribeLastModifiedDate. From this point forward, the number of records that have been modified or added should be small enough that you do not need to configure a starting and ending date. The ScribeLastModifiedDate value on the Net Change tab serves as the starting date with the implied end date of the date and time of the Solution execution.

Cvent HData Connector As IS Target

Consider the following when using the Cvent HData Connector as an Integration Solution target.

Add And Remove Operations

Use the Add and Remove Blocks to add Contacts to or remove Contacts from a ContactGroup.

CheckIn Target Operation

The CheckIn Block is available to CheckIn an Invitee at an Event. The CheckIn operation uses a virtual entity called Participant.

Copy Target Operation

Use the Copy Block to create a new Event from an existing Event.

Notes On Standard Entities





See Net Change in the Cvent HData As A Source section for more information.





Notes On Webhooks

Use Cvent Webhooks to send a JSON message containing updated data to TIBCO Scribe® Online when data in Cvent has changed, and trigger appropriate changes in a target datastore.

Cvent Webhooks are referred to in Cvent as Integration Points. An Integration Point is a configuration that contains the Cvent action and the TIBCO Scribe® Online endpoint that should be notified when the action occurs. For example, when a new Contact is created in Cvent the Contact Create action is triggered and can send a message to a TIBCO Scribe® Online endpoint with the data for that new Contact. See Using Cvent Webhooks To Create A New Contact for an outline on configuring the scenario described in the new Contact example.

Cvent Integration Points Supported By Entity

Note: Custom fields are not returned in Webhook messages. Only a subset of possible fields is returned for entities with associated Webhooks.




  Contact Created

  Contact Edited

  Contact Deleted

  Contact Opted Out

  Contact Un-Opted Out

  Contact Confirmed

  Opted In


  Event Modified

  Event Cancelled

  Event Deleted


  Invitee Added to Invitee List

  Invitee or Guest Email Sent

  Invitee or Guest Email Opened

  Invitee or Guest Email Bounced

  Invitee Unsubscribed

  Invitee Resubscribed

  Invitee or Guest Accepted

  Invitee Declined

  Invitee or Guest Modified

  Invitee or Guest Cancelled

  Invitee Substituted out of Registration

  Invitee or Guest Marked as Participant

  Invitee or Guest Unmarked as Participant

  Invitee or Guest Registers for Session

  Invitee or Guest Cancels Registration for Session

  Invitee Attends Session

  Invitee Marked as Session No Show


  Session Created

  Session Modified

  Session Deleted


  Speaker Created

  Speaker Modified

  Speaker Deleted

Using Cvent Webhooks To Create A New Contact

  1. Make sure you have met the requirements for Cvent Webhooks outlined in the Setup Considerations section of this document.
  2. In TIBCO Scribe® Online, configure a Connection to your Cvent account. See Connecting To Cvent HData.
  3. Add an Integration Event Solution.
  4. Add an Event Map to that Solution. See Defining An Event Message Map.
  5. In the Map add the Cvent Connection.
  6. Drag a Wait for Message Block on to the Map canvas.
  7. Configure the Wait for Message Block with the Contact entity, for this example. See Wait For Message Block.
  8. Save the Block and the Map to generate the TIBCO Scribe® Online endpoint where Cvent can send a message.
  9. Open the Map and open the Wait for Message Block to display the TIBCO Scribe® Online endpoint for that Block. Copy the endpoint URL.
  10. In Cvent, navigate to Admin > Integrations > Push API Integrations and select your Push API Integration to open it.
  11. In the Endpoints section, add an endpoint called Contact Create and paste in the TIBCO Scribe® Online endpoint you copied from the Wait for Message Block.
  12. In the Integration Points section, add an Integration Point for Contact Created and associate it with the Endpoint called Contact Create that you just added in the Endpoints section.

    Note: Cvent is now configured to send a JSON message with new Contact data to the TIBCO Scribe® Online Wait For Message Block whenever a new Contact is created in Cvent.

  13. Open the Event that you want to send messages to TIBCO Scribe® Online and activate Webhooks for that event.
  14. Return to TIBCO Scribe® Online and complete the Event Map to write the new Contact data to a target datastore.

TIBCO Scribe® Online API Considerations

To create connections with the TIBCO Scribe® Online API, the Cvent HData Connector requires the following information:

Connector Name


Connector ID


TIBCO Scribe® Online Connection Properties

In addition, this Connector uses the Connection properties shown in the following table.

Note: Connection property names are case-sensitive.

Name Data Type Required Secured Usage





















More Information

For additional information on this Connector, refer to the Knowledge Base and Discussions in the TIBCO Community.