TIBCO Scribe® Online Connector For Salesforce Pardot

The TIBCO Scribe® Online Connector for Salesforce Pardot allows you to integrate prospect, user, and visitor data from Salesforce Pardot into another datastore.

Connector Specifications

This Connector supports versions 3 and 4 of the Salesforce Pardot API.


Agent Types

On Premise X
Cloud X

Replication Services


Integration Services

Source X
Target X

Migration Services

Source X
Target X


Integration X
Request-Reply X

Note:  This Connector is available from the TIBCO Scribe® Online Marketplace. See Marketplace TIBCO Scribe® Certified Connectors for more information.

Supported Entities

The Salesforce Pardot Connector supports the following entities. Select a linked entity name for additional information when using that entity in TIBCO Scribe® Online. For a list of additional operations by entity see Special Operations.

Standard Operations

Entity Query Create Update Delete Upsert























































Special Operations

Entity Operations







Request Send

Setup Considerations

Note: You may need to whitelist some Salesforce IP Addresses. See Installing An On-Premise Agent With Proxy Servers Or Firewalls and Whitelisting Requirements for additional information.

API Limits

The Salesforce Pardot API limits each Salesforce Pardot account to a single API connection. This can cause TIBCO Scribe® Online Solutions to fail if other calls are made to the Salesforce Pardot API using the same account. When running a TIBCO Scribe® Online Solution that uses a Salesforce Pardot Connection, any one of the following actions also makes a Connection to the Salesforce Pardot API and can cause the running Solution to fail: 

Some options to prevent your Salesforce Pardot Solutions from failing include: 

Selecting An Agent Type For Salesforce Pardot

Refer to TIBCO Scribe® Online Agents for information on available Agent types and how to select the best Agent for your Solution.

Connecting To Salesforce Pardot

Note: Best practice is to create Connections with credentials that limit permissions in the target system, following the principle of least privilege. Using Administrator level credentials in a Connection provides Administrator level access to the target system for TIBCO Scribe® Online users. Depending on the entities supported, a TIBCO Scribe® Online user could alter user accounts in the target system.

  1. Select More > Connections from the menu.
  2. From the Connections page select Add to open the Add a New Connection dialog.
  3. Select the Connector from the drop-down list in the Connection Type field, and then enter the following information for this Connection:
    • Name — This can be any meaningful name, up to 25 characters.
    • Alias — An alias for this Connection name. The alias is generated from the Connection name, and can be up to 25 characters. The Connection alias can include letters, numbers, and underscores. Spaces and special characters are not accepted. You can change the alias. For more information, see Connection Alias.
    • API Version — Select the version of the Salesforce Pardot API you want to use. The default is version 4.
    • Salesforce Auth URL — Select the authentication URL for either your Salesforce Pardot Sandbox account or your Salesforce Pardot Production account from the drop-down.
    • AccountURL

      Salesforce Pardot Sandbox


      Salesforce Pardot Production


    • Pardot API URL — Select the Salesforce Pardot Sandbox environment URL used for testing or the Salesforce Pardot Production environment URL for the Salesforce Pardot account that you want to access.
    • EnvironmentURL

      Salesforce Pardot Sandbox


      Salesforce Pardot Production


      Note: You can select the production URL and authenticate using the sandbox URL, which is required in some cases.

    • Pardot Business Unit Id — The Business Unit Id associated with your Salesforce Pardot user account.
  4. Select Authenticate to open the Salesforce Pardot authorization page:
    • If you are not already logged into Salesforce Pardot, the login page displays. Enter your credentials and log in.
    • If this is the first time you are creating a Salesforce Pardot Connection, the Authorization page displays. Select Authorize.

      A page with the following message displays:

  5. Select Test to ensure that the Agent can connect to your database. Be sure to test the Connection against all Agents that use this Connection. See Testing Connections.
  6. Select OK/Save to save the Connection.

Metadata Notes

Metadata Notes


Connection metadata must have unique entity, relationship, and field names. If your Connection metadata has duplicate names, review the source system to determine if the duplicates can be renamed.


Note: For this Connector, only one level of relationship, Parent/Child, is supported for the entity selected in the Query or Fetch Block. For records with multiple levels of relationships, such as Parent, Child, Grandchild, only the selected Parent entity and related Child entities can be retrieved. Additional levels beneath Child entities, such as Grandchildren, cannot be accessed for this Connector using the Include tab. See Block Properties Include Tab — Relational Data.

Salesforce Pardot Connector As IS/MS Source

When a datetime is configured on the Query Block on the Block Properties Net Change Tab to query for new and updated records, that configuration is treated as an additional filter. The Net Change datetime filter is applied as an AND after any other filters specified on the Block Properties Filter Tab. TIBCO Scribe® Online builds a query combining both the Net Change filter and the filters on the Filter tab. See Net Change And Filters for an example.

Some Connectors for TIBCO Scribe® Online only support one filter. For those Connectors you can use either Net Change or one filter on the Filter tab, not both.

Note: The Net Change date is ignored when previewing data on the Preview tab. Filters on the Block Properties Filters tab are used to filter the data on the Preview tab.

Filtering And Lookup

Salesforce Pardot Connector As IS/MS Target

Match Criteria For Update/Delete

Add And Remove Target Operations

Assign And Unassign Target Operations

Upsert Target Operations

Batch Processing

Batch processing is not supported with this TIBCO Scribe® Online Connector.

Send Operation

Notes On Standard Entities










TIBCO Scribe® Online API Considerations

Configuring a Salesforce Pardot Connection using the TIBCO Scribe® Online API is not supported at this time.

License Agreement

The TIBCO Scribe® Online End User License Agreement for the Salesforce Pardot Connector describes TIBCO and your legal obligations and requirements. TIBCO suggests that you read the End User License Agreement.

More Information

For additional information on this Connector, refer to the Knowledge Base and Discussions in the TIBCO Community.